These projects were created using design elements that came from more than one place. I added links to the incorporated patterns so that you can more easily see how each project was created.

left: EllyMayy’s Capri Tunic starts with Capri Cover and takes a little from Keepsake Lace Shawl.

center: pooki’s Boxy Combo mixes Boxy with cancun boxy lace top.

right: tatty152’s Project 8 – Adult Shetland dress draws from Christening Robe Apron and Victoria – Fine art lace stole.

emteedee’s Grüne Mamba is a machine knit tee that is based on the Summit shawl.

MillieMilliani’s Carprean combines the Carpino and Aibrean pullovers.

Sigrid1703 just finished her Evenstar Dress today! Her version adds Lucy and her Sisters to Evenstar Shawl.

If you’d like to try collecting your favorites into bundles but you have so many faves that just thinking about it makes you tired, you might like the new “organize” feature:

In organize mode, you can scroll through your favorites and put ’em into bundles with a minimal amount of tapping and clicking.

The projects shown this week use designs that span the last century.

korakora’s Princess Louise Bag (1917), knotweezy’s OMG I Knit a Lyra!! (1939) and melanostalgia’s Victory Jumper (1945).

nsangheetha’s I Love Doily (1951), Toreador’s Vintage blouse (1954) and CabledSheep’s Vintage Green (1966).

sarispindle’s Strawberry Swirl (1970), Turbo’s Seamless ski sweater (1981) and HanKnit’s Tutti-frutti Booties (1989).

I started this post by looking for projects made from pre-1950s patterns but it turns out that there just aren’t that many being finished each month. Here is a search that shows patterns published before 1950, with those that have the most projects listed first:

Try using a group’s “neighbors” tab as a way of finding similar groups that might interest you. This list can be especially helpful if a group that you liked has gone quiet and you are looking for some new places to visit.

Bonus tip: If you use the group search, today I added an “Active” filter to the sidebar. You can use this to easily filter out groups that haven’t had any new posts in the last 30 days.

Community Eye Candy: Hat Day

March 31st, 2015

Tomorrow is Hat Day here on Ravelry.

On April 1st every year, your posts in the forums are adorned with a bonus silly hat. I hope that you all receive a great hat that fits perfectly, but if it doesn’t you can always adjust your avatar to match :) Here are some Ravelers and their headwear on the first Hat Day in 2008:

For eye candy, I picked out some great hats that were finished in February and March. Some silly, some not.

Above: dragonbird’s Roly Poly Pill Bug
flarkin’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar and
Anisbee’s Marie-Antoinette.

Above: itsSOfluffy’s Ewok Hood, bohoknits’ Tartan Beanie and Headband,
and MiaSelf’s The Amazing Brave and Fizzy Chemo Snood Head (photo credit: fizzysnood on Instagram)

Above: lindsaymudd’s Peggy the Lurcher’s Daft Hat!, tempolinse’s Starry night in the Fjordland, and
HonestBloom’s Plus a Hat.

Your Ravelry queue is a place to keep track of the projects you are going to do next. Many of you use your queue to keep a list of patterns that you want to make, but did you know that you can also use your queue to list the stash or fiber that you want to use next?

To do this, use the “add to queue” button in your queue and click “use stash yarn” or “use stashed fiber”. If you don’t have a pattern in mind, you can use the pattern field to give your future project a title.

Here is an example from Mary-Heather’s queue. She’s earmarked some of her stash for a scarf and pillow and she’s also planning on turning some fiber into a cowl.

If you are looking for patterns from a specific publisher, simply typing phrases into the text box might let you down. For example, just typing “Knitty” is going to turn up all kinds of things. Here are some different, more precise ways to browse through the patterns that are published in a series or listed on a particular website.

If you are looking at any book or magazine (we call this a “source”) on Ravelry and that source is part of a series or other group, you can click the title at the top of the page to view a chronological list. From here, you can search through all of the patterns within.

If you are interested in looking through all of the patterns that are published on a specific site, you can use the “Website” filter (far down on the left hand side) in the pattern search and type in the domain name of that site: for example, “”.

Here’s something that we just added to pattern search today. You can find patterns that typically use a certain number of colors by selecting the “Colors used” filter. We don’t track information about the number of colors that a pattern requires so we get this number by looking at the projects that are associated with a pattern.

(Sometimes we add search options without much fanfare. Here’s another one you might not have noticed: You can use the “designer country” filter to look for designs from specific countries)

PS We’ve had a lot of requests, so here’s the search I used to find the patterns in my screenshot :)

If you have a Ravelry group with pages or posts that are list of links to patterns, yarns, projects (and more) you can now make those lists browseable and searchable by turning them into a bundle.

To see what I mean, click the image below to look at Sock Knitters Anonymous’ bundle of 120+ self striping socks.

Here’s how: First, go to the bundles tab in your group and create a new bundle. Next, click “add to this bundle” and you’ll see an option to add from a group page or a list of links.

Community Eye Candy: Gradients

October 22nd, 2014

Gradients were everywhere at Rhinebeck this weekend! Here are a few recently finished gradient projects from all over. If you like these, you might like to visit the newish (started 5 months ago) Gorgeous Gradients group.

Above, from left to right: chamade’s Ruby Boomerang, Quaere’s Sea Dragon Shawl, and MillieMilliani’s …Little Miss Sunshine… test.

Above: Melaroniandpeas’ My peacock is a cherry bomb, greenfiber’s Mia’s Dress, and Linda315’s Gradient Starshower

Above: Mom2Schnauzers’s Rhinebeck 14 (you may have spotted her at the meetup!), kukorka’s Wurm by Katharina Nopp and KatColorado2’s Pulswärmer / Wrist Warmers.