Eye Candy: Made with Handspun

January 28th, 2019

crocheted amigurumi racoon doll

eleanorandi’s Roddy Raccoon

I love looking at projects that Ravelers have made with handspun – there is such a depth and richness to the colors and textures of the yarn! For today’s Eye Candy I wanted to share some of my favorite recently completed handspun projects.

a striped knit shawl in shades of purple and magenta, a woman wearing a goldenrod sweater, and a handwoven scarf in red and aqua

I absolutely love the colors in stebo79’s double gradient, knurl’s The Weekender looks like the perfect cozy sweater, and debby’s sunset windowpane scarf has such a lovely, cheery color combo!

a woman stands outside on a snowy day, wearing a handspun, handknit shawl in shades of orange, a striped purple handwoven shawl, and a crocheted granny square blanket in a mix of handspun and commercially spun yarns

Dentaurus’ Sunwalker glows with warmth against the snow, welfordpurls’ handspun purple weave makes me want to wrap myself up in purples, and eddysknittery’s THE STASHBUSTER! mixes handspun and conventionally spun yarns beautifully.