Local Yarn Shops are special places. They are sources for yarn and patterns and notions, as well as tips and friendship and inspiration. We have recently spruced up the LYS pages on Ravelry and I wanted to highlight a few new features for today’s tip.

  1. LYS pages are now public. You do not have to be a Ravelry member to view them, and they can show up in internet searches. If you maintain an LYS page, make sure to add a pretty photo as we now feature the first one on the shop page. If you own an LYS and are not connected to it, check out this guide!
  2. For shops that participate in the Ravelry In-Store Sales program, we now indicate that on the page as well. If you’re signed into Ravelry we even have a link to the advanced search of all the patterns available at that shop (highlighted in the photo above). You can browse the list at home and bring a list of patterns to purchase the next time you visit your LYS.

Enjoy checking out your LYS on Ravelry!