Friday Tip: Group Pages

April 4th, 2014

There are thousands of Ravelry groups dedicated to just about every subject under the sun, and so many of them are fantastic sources of information. Sometimes, groups want that information to be easily accessible in a permanent place so that it’s easy for members to find. In those cases, Group Pages can be so useful!

stranded pages

Every group has a Pages tab, and if you are a group admin or mod, you can make pages for anything you choose. Common topics are things like group rules or FAQs, techniques and tutorials to reference, errata links (for designer or publisher groups). Just go to the Pages tab in your group, and click the create a new page button:

create a new page

You can then type in the information you want to post your forum page. Adding images and formatting your page works just like posting in the forums. You can also choose who can edit your pages: just the group admins, admins and mods, group members, or all Ravelry members.

group pages making

When you’re done, click the save changes button, and you’ll be all set!

For inspiration (and fun!), we wanted to share a few groups that make great use of the pages feature! Stranded pages have loads of colorwork knitting techniques, Family Favorite Recipes keeps their recipes pages updated regularly, Loom Knitters pages feature fantastic resources and tutorials, and S221b’s pages give a great overview to the way their group works as well as provide lots of links for Sherlock fans (judging from the ever-increasing number of Benedict Cumberbatch Ravatars, that’s a lot of you!).